An author has many options for literary devices that can be used to help them tell their stories. An author can use literary devices to develop a story, create the mood, and increase excitement. Richard Connell tells the story of Rainsford who finds himself stuck on a Caribbean island. Connell’s use of suspense and foreshadowing to convey fear and danger is a powerful literary device.

Richard Connell’s “The Most Dangerous Game” tries to prove that civilized human beings do not exist for all. In Zaroff’s story, he shows that not everyone is civilized. Rainsford became the hunted one, which was ironic because he didn’t care what the jaguar felt. Richard Connell’s story is about showing that everyone is different and how civilized people can be in different situations. Connell starts his story with conversation between Rainsford, Whitney and Whitney. This is a foreshadowing of the main conflict. Rainsford is describing the world to Whitney as “the huntees and the hunters”. The hunters are you and me, thank goodness. This hint of foreshadowing indicates that the hunter is soon going to be the one who wins.

The plot twist will surprise the reader. Whitney later remark on the island that an evil place could, so to say, broadcast evil vibrations. This comment sets the tone for other evil events to come. Connell’s effective use of foreshadowing makes Rainsford’s arrival on the island seem more real. Because it creates the mood for the story and the conflict, Connell’s use is also highly effective.

Richard Connell, the author, continues his use of suspense to generate excitement and create mood. Connell draws attention Rainsford’s determination and courage. Rainsford is determined to keep his strength and courage even while being hunted. When Rainsford runs for cover, he hides and then returns to his hiding place. This suspense makes Rainsford seem more human and helps readers to understand his struggle to survive. The reader sees how Rainsford struggles to survive. Rainsford is also in danger again when Zaroff and Ivan attack him with their vicious dogs. Rainsford is able to escape by using his clever kills in order to build a trap and kill Ivan. The reader feels as though each event is becoming more dangerous.

Connell’s clever use of suspense makes the story more interesting because it keeps the reader guessing and wanting more. Richard Connell’s “The Most Dangerous Game”, a novel about fear and terror, uses literary devices foreshadowing to create suspense. Connell’s use of suspense and foreshadowing is a key element in creating the mood.

Connell proves that literary devices are essential in creating a compelling story.

Works cited

Connell, Richard. “The Most Hazardous Contest” [PDF] is a classic short story about a hunter who finds himself in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse with a fellow hunter. It is a thrilling and suspenseful tale that has been adapted for film and television several times.


  • caydenmckay

    Cayden McKay is a 36-year-old college professor who specializes in writing about education. He has been working in the field of education for over a decade and is passionate about helping others learn. Cayden is also an avid reader and traveler, and he loves spending time with his wife and two young children.