A monster is viewed as evil and unattractive by most people, while heroes are regarded as beautiful and good. In mythology, literature and movies, we are all familiar with heroes and villains. Examples of “famous” villains include: Darth Vader, Hannibal Lecter, Grendel, Grendel, and Hannibal Lecter, all from The Star Wars Trilogy. True monsters include serial killers and pedophiles. However, it’s possible to also consider real humans like serial killers and pedophiles. A monster is clearly the “bad guy”, while a hero is the contrary. Many fictional heroes are well-known, including SuperMan, Odysseus and Robin Hood, James Bond and Sherlock Holmes. Firefighters and military personnel are also often considered heroes. The hero, or “good guy,” is someone who saves people and kills evil.

We have been studying the classic tale of Beowulf, an Anglo-Saxon poet, where he fights Grendel, a demon that has terrorized Heorot for over a decade and has killed many people. This text makes a clear distinction between the “good people” and the monsters. In other words, a hero must defeat the bad. We will be studying Beowulf to find out what makes someone a hero or a monster. What if there weren’t monsters? Would there still be heroes? What if monsters could become heroes? Monsters are aware that they know what they’re doing. They have the purpose of causing harm, being evil, and spreading hate and darkness. Beowulf Grendel, a “powerful and outcast” demon, is depicted in the poem. He is described to be a “fiend out of hell”, an “outcast”, a “merciless”, “malignant-by-nature” and “the Lord’s outcast”. The description of Grendel’s dark side is long. He continues to be described in the poem for several lines, until his death. Grendel attacked, killed, and consumed Hrothgar’s citizens for over a decade (“for twelve years”). He operates in the night..after the darkness fell, Grendel set his sights on the house ,…. Suddenly, the God-cursed brute caused havoc …”..

It is not easy to understand his motivations or his history. One can see that Grendel is not a normal person. Similar patterns are found in other stories about villains, such as The Joker. Rejection can lead to a person becoming a monster.

A character can be made to feel like a monster by grief. Grendel’s mother grieves over her son. She kills Beowulf’s warrior and goes to Heorot. The victory was decided by the Holy God, who apparently “Had the strong bonds and locks of his battle-gear not helped him to save himself.” The Lord, the Ruler from the heaven, made it easy to reverse the balance after Beowulf was back on his feet.” He now has the power and strength to kill Grendel’s mother.

As I said before, a hero will always be better than a monster. A true hero, or someone who puts others first, is an honest person. A hero is strong, beautiful and loyal. Heroes will put their lives on the line to save others. The main character, Beowulf, is the hero who saves Denmark’s kingdom Heorot from Grendel. Grendel was a constant threat to the kingdom. Beowulf was described as “the man who was known for his courage”, “formidable”,” and “the most powerful swimmer of all”; he is also called “hero” after he defeats Grendel. Beowulf was able to survive the battle without fear, and he knew exactly what he needed to do in order to save his people. He is unique, “proudly sure” and determined to defeat the evil “I meant to do the uttermost, …..” That is what I will do. Prouve that I am proud of a proud deed.” He even has to pay with his lives “or die in meadhall”. Beowulf is killed in a fight against the dragon later. He is praised by his friends and family as a hero.

While there are obvious differences between heroes and monsters, the one who is often killed by both is left alone and without funeral. The hero is given a heroic funeral that is treasured for many years.

People can feel for monsters, surprisingly. Monster&Co, a Walt Disney movie about monsters, is an example of this. Their main purpose is to “scare children”. These characters end up becoming “good” and lovable Monsters. “Boo”, a little girl who is full of laughter, love and support for “James Sullivan”, changed their personalities. All the Monsters become funny and don’t scare kids anymore. The story of “The Beauty and the Beast” is another example of a monster becoming a prince. Similar situations can occur in real-life too. It is possible for mean, hostile humans to become kind and loving with the help of others. Unfortunately, Grendel in Beowulf has never known good or evil. He is also “fatherless” and cursed by god. He never had the opportunity to experience the good and has no remorse. Grendel could have never been made to feel the love and good if he were introduced to them.

If you could love and care monsters into decent/good characters, why would we need heroes? It is possible to assume that balance can only be achieved if there are “opposites”. In order to display “the positive”, one must also present “the negative,” thus all the books, movies, and other literature on the subject. Beowulf is an example of “good conquering evil”, and so are many stories and texts about Hero vs Monster. It also highlights the importance for individuals to be loyal, honorable, and have high moral standards.


  • caydenmckay

    Cayden McKay is a 36-year-old college professor who specializes in writing about education. He has been working in the field of education for over a decade and is passionate about helping others learn. Cayden is also an avid reader and traveler, and he loves spending time with his wife and two young children.