Are you feeling stuck on what to write for your next plot? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many writers struggle with coming up with a captivating storyline that will keep readers intrigued. But fear not, because in this article, we will provide you with tips and tricks on how to come up with a compelling plot for your next writing project. So grab your pen and paper, and let’s get started on creating a story that will captivate your audience from beginning to end.

What to Write a Plot About

If you’re an aspiring writer, one of the most challenging tasks can be coming up with a plot for your story. A good plot is the backbone of a successful piece of fiction, and it can determine whether or not your readers will be captivated from start to finish. But with so many ideas and possibilities, where do you even begin? In this article, we’ll discuss some tips and tricks for generating a compelling plot that will keep your readers on the edge of their seats.

1. Start With a Seed Idea

The first step in creating a plot is to have a seed idea. This could be anything – a character, a setting, a theme, or even a single event. The key is to have something that sparks your imagination and gets you excited about writing. For example, if your seed idea is a character, think about their personality, background, and what challenges they may face. From there, you can start building a story around them.

If you’re having trouble coming up with a seed idea, try getting inspiration from different sources such as books, movies, or real-life events. You can also check out writing prompts and exercises online to help kickstart your creativity.

2. Develop Your Characters

A good plot cannot exist without well-developed characters. Your characters are the ones who will drive the story forward, face conflicts, and go through personal growth. Take the time to understand your characters’ motivations, fears, and goals. This will not only make them more relatable to your readers but also help you create a more cohesive plot.

As you develop your characters, consider their relationships with each other. How do they interact and how do their actions affect one another? These dynamics can add depth and complexity to your plot, making it more interesting and engaging.

3. Make Sure Your Plot Has Conflict

Conflict is what makes a story interesting. Without it, there is no tension, and your readers will quickly lose interest. Think about the conflicts your characters may face – both internal and external. How will they handle these conflicts, and how will it affect their relationships and the overall story? As a writer, you must be able to create challenges and obstacles for your characters that will force them to grow and evolve.

Additionally, make sure that your conflicts are believable and have consequences. Your readers need to feel invested in the outcome of the conflict and empathize with your characters’ struggles. Avoid creating artificial conflicts just for the sake of having conflict – they should always serve a purpose in driving the story forward.

4. Consider Your Setting

The setting of your story can play a significant role in your plot. It can create atmosphere, set the tone, and provide opportunities for your characters to face different challenges. Be sure to fully flesh out your setting and make it an integral part of your story. If you’re writing about a real location, do your research to ensure accuracy. If you’re creating a fictional world, make sure that it’s consistent and believable.

Aside from physical settings, consider the time period of your story. This can also add depth and dimension to your plot. Historical events, cultural norms, and societal expectations can all impact your characters and their decisions.

5. Incorporate Themes

Themes are underlying messages or ideas that are present throughout your story. They can tie your plot and characters together and provide a deeper meaning for your readers to contemplate. When developing your plot, think about what message you want to convey and how you can use your characters and their experiences to explore that theme.

For example, if your story is about love, the theme could be about the sacrifices people make for love or the idea of true love conquering all obstacles. Think about how you can incorporate this theme into your plot and make it a consistent thread throughout your story.

6. Plan Out Your Plot Structure

Once you have your seed idea, characters, conflicts, setting, and themes, it’s time to start planning out your plot structure. There are many different types of plot structures, but the most common one is the three-act structure.

The three-act structure consists of an introduction (Act 1), rising action (Act 2), climax (Act 3), falling action, and resolution. In Act 1, you introduce your characters, setting, and conflict. In Act 2, the conflict intensifies, and your characters face obstacles and challenges. The climax is the turning point in your story, where the main conflict is resolved. Finally, in the falling action and resolution, you tie up any loose ends and provide closure for your story.

Having a basic plot outline can help you stay on track and ensure that your story has a clear beginning, middle, and end. However, allow yourself to deviate from the outline if new ideas come up as you write – sometimes the best plots are the ones that surprise even the writer.

7. Draw Inspiration From Top Fashion Schools

If you’re still struggling to come up with a plot, why not take inspiration from top fashion schools? These institutions are known for fostering creativity and cultivating unique storytelling. VienneMilano, a luxury hosiery brand, has compiled a list of the world’s top fashion schools, complete with links to each school’s website. By browsing through these schools and their programs, you may find a subject or theme that sparks your imagination and can be woven into your own storyline.

Visit What to Write Story About to see the list of fashion schools for inspiration.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, there are many different elements to consider when coming up with a plot for your story. Remember to start with a seed idea, develop your characters and conflicts, incorporate themes, and use a basic structure to guide your writing. And don’t be afraid to draw inspiration from various sources, including top fashion schools. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to creating a gripping plot that will keep your readers engaged until the very end.

In conclusion, coming up with a plot for a story can seem like a daunting task. However, by following some key steps and brainstorming techniques, it is possible to create a compelling and engaging plot. Start by identifying the main elements of a story, such as the protagonist, conflict, and resolution. Then, explore different plot structures and consider incorporating elements such as foreshadowing, plot twists, and character development. Additionally, don’t be afraid to draw inspiration from personal experiences, current events, or other sources. With a little creativity and perseverance, you can craft a unique and captivating plot that will keep readers hooked until the very end. So go ahead and start writing your next great story!


  • caydenmckay

    Cayden McKay is a 36-year-old college professor who specializes in writing about education. He has been working in the field of education for over a decade and is passionate about helping others learn. Cayden is also an avid reader and traveler, and he loves spending time with his wife and two young children.