Sociology studies society, culture, and relationships. Sociology can cover many topics, including class, social mobility, the Internet and traditional marriages. The sociology research informs policy makers, educators and social workers as well as non-profits.

Below are 100 research topics in sociology that you can start using right now. These topics are separated by general headings. These can be adapted to suit your particular interests. If you are passionate about a topic, you will always do more research.

Art and Food.

Art imitates Life or Does Life Imitate Art?
– How have globalization and local culture changed?
– How important is food in cultural identity?
Technology and eating habits: Does it affect our eating habits?
– How have fast foods impacted society?
How can clean eating make a difference in someone’s life?
– Should high levels of sugar be prohibited from school campuses
How can traveling change someone’s life?
Music and Teens: How can music influence their thoughts and actions?
Is it fair to hold performance artists partially responsible for allowing someone to be inspired by their music and commit a crime?
– What examples are there for cultural misappropriation.
– How important is music in cultural identity and culture?

Cultural Biases and Solutions for Social Problems

What limits (if any) do you place on freedom of speech within civil societies?
– What reasonable solutions can you offer to the problem of overpopulation
– How can different media types influence the attitudes and behavior of society?
What can be done to stop homegrown terrorist activity in the U.S.
– Should prescription drug company be allowed direct advertising to consumers?
– Is global climate change a hoax? Why or not?
– Should the drinking limit be reduced?
Are there any gun control laws that should be increased in the United States?
What biases exist against obese people?
Polygamy in America: Should it be legal? Why or not?
Is there a law that punishes racist slurs?
– Should the legal minimum age for working in the UK be increased?
Is the death penalty appropriate in cases of first-degree murder?
Private ownership of prisons? Why or not?
– What does privilege mean? How can privilege be defined?
– What are the consequences of discrimination against women at work?
– What is the role of feminism in American politics today?
– What is it that makes a patriot?
– Compare/analyze Aristotle and Plato’s social views
– How have labor migration and other factors influenced America’s future?
– What valuable skills have been lost during the industrialization of the West?

Is MeToo a significant movement? Why or not?

– Which conflict resolution skills could be most helpful in these times?
– How can violence against females be reduced?

Education is an important factor in success.
Is it okay for students to take all subjects in high school and be allowed not to take the subjects they don’t like?
How should bullying be treated in schools across the country?
Is it better to have standardized tests or the reverse?
School children should not be required to pass metal detectors.
– What ratio of student to teacher is most effective for improved school learning?
Is school uniforms effective in reducing bullying and teasing? If so, what is the best way to do it?
Teachers should be paid more
– Should public education not be provided by private entities (e.g charter schools)
– Should academic knowledge be prioritized over religious education?
How can schools help impoverished students without embarrassment?
– What should we consider when educating our children?
– What role does the state play in the education of children? Or the parents? Or both?
– Should education be considered more important than war and defense?
What is the ideal educational environment? What would the curriculum look like?

Marriage & Family

– What should the definition of “family” look like? Are there multiple ways to define it?
– Is there a traditional female role that could be handled better by a man?
– How have the United States changed marriage?
– What effects does divorce have on children?
Do children adopting from families of different ethnicities have negative effects?
What can children get from one parent?
Helicopter parenting can negatively impact children’s lives?
– Is marriage obsolete?
– Can teens access birth control without parents’ consent?
– Should children have to be forced to hug their family members? Family members that they don’t feel comfortable around.
What are some of the negative impacts and benefits of keeping traditional gender roles intact in a household?
Is social media safe for teens and preteens? Why or not?
Is the government allowed to decide who can be married?
– What benefits are there to an arranged marriage?
– What benefits are there for children adopted by LGBTQ couple?
– How long should a couple be dating before they get married?
– Should children be forced in any way to participate in clubs, sports or gymnastics? Even if they’d rather be at home playing videogames,
Is it necessary for parents to take parenting classes before having children?
What are the possible benefits of getting married but not having children?

Generational differences
Community care for the elderly should be improved How?
– What are the differences in generational behavior between Generations X/Y/Z?
What are the benefits for older people from children’s interaction?
– How much has Generation Y influenced the country’s history?
– What is the difference in communication styles between Generation X (Millennials) and Generation Y?
– What can we learn from our elders about life that cannot be found in books?
– Should an elderly person live with their children and grandchildren? This would help to solve some of the country’s problems.
– What are the positive and negative effects of intergenerational marriages?

Spiritualism and religion

– Why do some people believe magic is possible?
– What’s the difference between spiritualism and religion?
– Is a government a democracy? Why or not?
– How has religion affected our country’s progress?
– Should religious leaders be allowed to vote for a candidate from the pulpit?
– How has religion shaped our nation?
Students at religious schools should not be required to take state exams.
– How have our relationships with nature changed as we live in densely populated cities?
What generation has made the most impact on culture in the last 200 years through their religious practices and beliefs? Your answer?

Addiction, Mental Health

How can we help addicts in our society?
– What ethical values should be taken into consideration when treating mental illness?
– Should insurance policies require coverage for mental illness?
– Is mental illness treatment less stigmatized?
– How could better access to mental healthcare change the country?
– What can we consider “addiction”?
– Should medical marijuana be legalized?
– What other options exist for mental wellness and mental health that are not dependent on antidepressants instead?
Are social media helping or harming society?
What are the best ways to get rid of video game addiction in young people?
– Should recreational drugs all be legalized?
– How have mental health treatments changed over the past 20 years?
Is recreational marijuana legal?
How does family counseling work for families that are experiencing conflict?


  • caydenmckay

    Cayden McKay is a 36-year-old college professor who specializes in writing about education. He has been working in the field of education for over a decade and is passionate about helping others learn. Cayden is also an avid reader and traveler, and he loves spending time with his wife and two young children.